Orientation 2022 - INTRODUCTION TO GU LIBRARY Image Gallery

The Department's Student Orientation Week was a dynamic and engaging introduction to academic journey for IMBA Students. Designed to ease their transition and maximize the university experience, the week featured a warm welcome from faculty, informative sessions on academic excellence, opportunities to meet department members, and insights into research and student life. This week set the foundation for a successful and enriching time within the academic community. Reflecting on the enlightening Day 5 of Orientation Week, we embarked on a journey through the treasure trove of resources at the Gujarat University Library. The day commenced with an in-depth explanation session about Gujarat University Library by Librarian and Senate Member of Gujarat University Mr. Yogesh Parekh. Students were introduced to the extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources available, emphasizing the library's role as a dynamic centre for research and learning. Day 5 left students with a profound understanding of the Gujarat University Library as a gateway to knowledge. Armed with the skills to navigate its vast resources, students are now well-prepared to embark on their academic journeys with the support of this enriching academic resource.