Page 24 - Edition 7 - July 2023 - Dec 2023
P. 24

HPCL Tree Plantation

        The tree-plantation event organized by the Department of Business Intelligence, in collaboration with
        Green  Leaf  Trust  and  HPCL,  was  a  resounding  success.  Distinguished  Guest  of  Honour,  Shri  Sanjay
        Kumar, Executive Director - Lubes, HPCL, graced the occasion with his presence, adding prestige to the
        event.  The  collective  effort  to  grow  trees  and  promote  environmental  awareness  proved  to  be  a
        significant step towards creating a greener future

        Students, inspired by the cause, actively engaged in planting saplings, symbolizing their commitment to
        environmental  sustainability.  Shri  Sanjay  Kumar's  insights  and  leadership  during  the  event  further
        emphasized  the  importance  of  corporate  and  community  collaboration  in  fostering  a  greener  and
        healthier neighbourhood. The successful tree-plantation initiative served as a tangible contribution to
        environmental conservation, showcasing the positive impact that can be achieved when individuals and
        organizations unite for a common cause.
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